I also assisted to the panel of "Creative is Critical: Based on Fiction" (2:40-3:30), supervised by professor George Noble. The panel was about creativity in fictional stories. The story that I like most was "The Yellow Wallpaper", by Charlotte Perking Gilman.
The story was about a woman, the narrator, confined in her bedroom and writing everything in her journal. The story depicts the effect of confinement on the narrator's mental health and her descent into psychosis. Too the point in which she feels amused and excited about the yellow pattern the wallpaper had, she even starts to like the smell of the wallpaper. At the the end of the story she begins to think their other woman behind the walls and she feels she is one of them, she feels so protected within those yellow walls of the room she locks herself inside the room and the only place she feels safe is within that room.
In my opinion, I found the story a bit insane because she accepted to never leave the room, and androcentric because the woman does not have the freedom she should have in a marriage, her husband is free but she is trapped in a room going crazy.
I had not the opportunity to attend this conference. However, you have did a good reflection and you have summarized very well the conference. Excellent job!